Alayaa Clinic is one of the leading Best Hair Transplant clinic in Chandigarh. We are recognized for our world-class treatment, consistency, eye for aesthetics, and natural results. We offer a multitude of hair restoration treatments, such as FUE hair transplant, dense hair implantation, quick hair transplant, beard hair transplant, eyebrow hair transplant, body hair transplant, eyelash hair transplant, and female Hair Transplant Services in Chandigarh is a surgical technique that is used to treat male pattern baldness. It is a minimally invasive procedure. The surgery involves harvesting hair roots from the permanent zone of the scalp, beard and body which are then implanted on the bald area. The implanted roots grow into adult hair within 6-12 months.
If you have seen any bald person, you will notice that they will never lose the hair on the sides and at the back of head. It is because hairs in these areas are resistant to falling. They are also called as resistant hair. Hair Transplant Services in Chandigarh involves relocation of this resistant hair to bald area. As these hairs are resistant to falling, they can be used to cover the baldness.